
I'm Michael and i love pizza and peanut butter cups and Starfire. I also enjoy long walks in the forest under the moonlight. Unfortunately Starfire doesn't let me go on walks by myself anymore... Okay here's what had happened. I was walking at like 2am down the path to the waterfall enjoying the view of the moons reflection on the water and this giant Octopus came up out of the water and tried to attack me. I ran and ran to escape them and two octopus arms wrapped around my feet and knocked me to the ground breaking her ear buds. I barely escaped and luckily made it home. Also did I mention I love peanut butter cups!!!Â
I'm Starfire and please don't listen to Michael. For the last time Michael there was no Octopus. You were looking up at stars not paying attention and fell down the side of hill loosing my ear buds in process.....So a little about me, I love the beach and sounds of the waves. I love Michael most days... except when he farts on my pillow. He's my best friend and partner in life and he makes me laugh non stop. I don't think I'm a pyromaniac but one time Michael left the toilet seat up and I "accidentally" set him on fire while he was sleeping. I just was just showing him how hot I am for him.Â